Thursday, February 24, 2011

Colton Wesley Rusk Memorial Park Donations needed

PFC COLTON RUSK USMC GAVE HIS LIFE SERVING OUR COUNTRY! You probably heard the story on national TV and in print...his family adopted his bomb dog only the 4th dog to be adopted by a handler's family.   We are taking donations to build a Memorial Park in Colton's name: Rusk Memorial Park PO Box 1682 Orange Grove TX 78372. Or you can donate directly at ValueBank of Texas.  Any amount will help towards our goal. Please repost to this your Facebook or Twitter status in support of the cause. 

If you can share this with everyone it would be appreciated!  If anyone needs more info they can contact me directly at

Trey Cranford

Support Responsibility Rally: Friday Feb. 25

Please see the following link for the Support Responsibility rally:

Support Responsibility Rally

Friday, February 25 . 5:00pm - 6:30pm


SPID and Staples (Starbuck's / Moore Plaza intersection)


Created By

Corpus Christi Tea Party


More Info

Local union organizers and Democrat party members are holding a protest
TOMORROW. You know the media will show up to cover them. We need to make
sure our voices are not drowned out by the loud, greedy and clueless. A
large, peaceful counterprotest will show our seriousness in supporting
responsible budget cutting. Parking is available in the Moore Plaza lot and
we will gather there. The gimme folks will gather in the
JOann's/Starbucks parking lot. Please give just an hour of your time for
this very important statement making event.

I know I don't need to tell you, but make sure signs are tasteful,
responsible and spelled correctly. Wear something patriotic! Do not allow
the opposition to draw you into any type of confrontation. Smile and let
them do the name calling and any other stupid stuff. There shouldn't be any
opportunity for that as we will be separated by Staples St. We will keep it
positive and patriotic and never stoop to their level.

I hope you will make every effort to rearrange your busy schedules for just
a short time on Friday. The Democrats are certain the Tea Party is 'over'
and we must show them we are here to stay. If you cannot make it to the
event, please support the effort by sharing this message by email, FB,
Twitter, and even old fashioned phone calls.

Here is what the democrats are up to:

Working Families Unite And Make Your Voices Heard!

Dear Democrats,

It's time to stand up for working families here in Texas, Wisconsin and
across this land.

The governor's budget proposal, released right after his "State of the
State" speech to lawmakers, would slash billions from public schools and
state-provided health care, prisons, environmental protection and regulatory
agencies. The state of Wisconsin and other states are making their voices
heard. It is time Texas makes an effort to make our voices heard. Families
must unite with their children's teachers and professors to protest severe
state funding cuts for education! Social Workers must unite with their
clients to fight for necessary funding to provide services for their clients
and avoid massive layoffs! Latinos and other immigrants must unite and
protest the discriminatory legislation targeting their families, employment,
communities, and voting rights! Union members must band together and protest
anti-union legislation that will effectively weaken unions and their right
to collectively bargain with their employers! Women and others that care
about women's health to fight back against the lies and stand up for women's
health, and stand up for the truth about family planning, birth control, and
preventive care for women. If you are as furious as we are about our current
state of affairs and our future, then join us as we attempt to make our
voices and concerns heard. When working families are under attack its time
to fight back! Join us and help us amplify our voices so other cities and
states will hear our cry! Let's stand together for working families!

Demonstration at SPID and Staples (Starbuck's intersection) this Friday Feb
25th from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Bring a sign expressing your solidarity with working families and all public
employees and services under attack, including our local and state employees
here in Texas - teachers, nurses, firefighters and police. Begin gathering
between 5:15pm-5:30pm.

(There is ample parking in the Spec's/JoAnne's Fabric parking lot. For more
information and to get involved, please contact our headquarters at
361-334-6179 or 361-215-5229 the local NNOC-TX/NNU ( National Nurses
Organizing Committee-TX/National Nurses United) Labor Representative and
Organizer, Andrew McGuire.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NW Tea Party February Meeting

We had a great meeting focusing on meeting with our representatives and current events.  Here is the link to Governor Scott Walker's Facebook page :
Please click go to his page and like it to show support!

We had a nice Q&A with Congressman Blake Farenthold.  We discussed the extension of 3 critical parts of the Patriot Act, the repeal of Obamacare, the budget, and entitlements.

Judge Angelica Hernandez explained to us how she has almost reached her goal of saving the taxpayers $100,000 by eliminating waste!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Colton Wesley Rusk Memorial Park Town Hall Meeting

Please help support this park honoring one of our local heroes.

Colton Wesley Rusk
Memorial Park


WHO: Colton Wesley Rusk Memorial Park Initiative
WHAT: Town Hall Meeting
WHEN: Monday, February 21, 2011 6:30 PM
WHERE: Cross Trails Cowboy Church, Orange Grove, Texas 1910 E FM624 Orange Grove, Texas
WHY: Discuss initial design and development


Colton Wesley Rusk Park Initiative is hosting the first phase of the planning process for the proposed Colton Wesley Rusk Memorial Park. The park will be a multi use green space located in Orange Grove, Texas named in honor of PFC. Colton Wesley Rusk USMC who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defending our country in Afghanistan.

The meeting will include the community of Orange Grove and other interested parties and will be an open forum to discuss elements of the proposed park, ask questions, and provide feedback and support for the park.

For more information, contact:
Trey Cranford

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Urgent!! Vote on repealing Obamacare coming today!

Despite Harry Reid refusing to bring it to a vote, Senate Republicans attached Obamacare Repeal to FAA bill. The vote is expected to happen this afternoon. All Republican Senators have pledged to vote for repeal. If you have not yet written our Texas Senators, it is important to let them know how you feel on this issue, even though they agree with you.. If you have not done that yet, we at the NW Tea Party have provided an easy way to write them by clicking right here:

Please call the following Senator's offices and urge them to vote for repeal of Obamacare:

Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM): (202) 224-5521
Casey, Robert P. (D-PA): (202) 224-6324
Manchin, Joe (D-WV): (202) 224-3954
McCaskill, Claire C. (D-MO): (202) 224-6154
Nelson, Bill (D-FL): (202) 224-5274
Nelson, Ben (D-NE): (202) 224-6551
Tester, Jon (D-MT): (202) 224-2644
Webb, James H. (D-VA): (202) 224-4024

Also, these Senators:
Akaka, Daniel (D-HI): (202) 224-6361
Brown, Sherrod (D-OH): (202) 224-2315
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA): (202) 224-3441
Cardin, Ben (D-MD): (202) 224-4524
Carper, Tom (D-DE): (202) 224-2441
Conrad, Kent (D-ND): (202) 224-2043
Gillebrand, Kristen (D-NY): (202) 224-4451
Kohl, Herb (D-WI): (202) 224-5653
Liberman, Joe (D-CT): (202) 224-4041
Menendez, Bob (D-NJ): (202) 224-4744
Nelson, Bill (D-FL): (202) 224-6551
Sanders, Bernie (D-VT): (202) 224-5141
Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI): (202) 224-4822
Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI): (202) 224-2921

In addition, you can download a prewritten letter from the NW Tea Party here:, add the name and address information for the particular Senator you are writing, then cut and paste the letter into the web form listed on each Senator's contact page. The contact information for your US Senators is located here:

Don't just talk about it! This is your opportunity to actually do something! Make the phone call and write the email! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Repeal Obamacare! Write to your Texas Senators tonight!

Please add your name to the bottom of each of these letters and forward them on to your Texas Senators so that they know we are serious about repealing Obamacare! You can open them, add your name, then cut and paste the entire text of the letters into the webforms listed under the Senator's contact information!

The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison
(202) 224-5922
Web Form:

Click here to download a letter to Kay Bailey Hutchison

The Honorable John Cornyn
(202) 224-2934
Web Form:

Click here to download a letter to John Cornyn

Make your voice heard!