Thursday, April 21, 2011

Northwest Corpus Christi TEA Party Meeting
April 26th!

Tuesday, April 26th 
Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairground
1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd.
Robstown, TX

5:30pm Start Arriving    6:30pm Meeting Begins
$18/per person for dinner.  We encourage you to join us for dinner as this helps pay for the room...BUT it is not required to attend!
Trump kicking out Obama  
Quoted from a USA Today report by David Jackson on April 19, 2011.  As for re-election, Obama said he isn't giving up on winning Texas.  "I never write off any states," Obama said. "I love Texas."
Really now?  Let's show President Obama just how much we love him by making sure he and his socialist agenda is not re-elected November 2012.  Trump may or may not be our conservative candidate, but the concept of "YOU'RE FIRED!" President Obama is perfect.  We can reverse the errors of President Obama's agenda, but to reverse the American public's is a whole other hurdle for us to overcome.  The American people elected President Obama, who would have thought that a person with such radical views would ever lead our great nation.  Is this what our nation has become?  Is the sleeping giant still awake and ready to fight for her nation and the conservative values and principals we were found upon?  Yes we are!  We can stand on our own two feet, use our own two hands to succeed or fail and get back up again.  A government safety net is not required.  Now we have to find those fiscally conservative candidates and/or incumbents and work to get them into office or stay in office.  The fight has begun, now is the question--how many rounds are YOU willing to go to fight for your conservative views?  Texas will not go to Obama, regardless of how much he loves our great state!
The Northwest Tea Party is fielding an army of conservatives whose primary focus is to eliminate and reform excess taxes.  

At our April 26th event, our guest speaker is  George Rodriguez, President of the San Antonio Tea Party.  Mr. Rodriguez will focus his discussion on how to "reach out" to Hispanics with our conservative message and encourage them to become more involved.  One of many obstacles Hispanics face is how do they become involved in a conservative movement outside of a political party without experiencing harassment or retribution and if they do experience that reaction, what then?  Asking people to stand outside of their comfort zone is easier for some than others.  We, as the Northwest Corpus Christi Tea Party, must help bring more fiscally conservative people together and offer them the tools on how they become involved and how their efforts will make a difference. Mr. Rodriguez will help in developing one of those tools.

Background on Mr. Rodriguez: 
George Rodriguez was born in Laredo, and raised in San Antonio, Texas.  He attended and graduated from BYU in 1976.  In 1981, he went to work in DC and worked with the Reagan Administration in the Justice Department and with the White House Office of Public Liaison.  In 1989, he worked with Jack Kemp at HUD under the Bush Administration.  He also worked with Congressman Tom Delay and Senator Orrin Hatch on various issues.  Mr. Rodriguez has also written and authored several articles, and he has been interviewed on national TV.  He is retired and lives in San Antonio, and he wants to share is knowledge and experience in furthering conservative policies.
George Rodriguez just recently accepted the position of President of the San Antonio Tea Party.  He was previously Chairman of the Juan Seguin Society, a conservative Hispanic organization affiliated with the San Antonio Tea Party.

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