Thursday, June 24, 2010

Don't forget about the meeting on Tuesday!

Northwest Tea Party Meeting

Tuesday, June 29th

Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds

1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd.

Robstown, TX

5:30pm--Start Arriving 6:30pm--Meeting Begins $15/per person

Includes beef or chicken fajitas, rice, beans, desert, coffee, tea, and water.

We need to encourage at least 30 people to eat, this provides us the room without a do not have to eat to attend. Even if you’re running late, we still welcome you and we will keep the food warm - just for you!

Please RSVP with Kimberly Curtis at by Monday, June 28th.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

- George Washington

Northwest Tea Party – Fielding an Army of Conservatives

The Northwest Tea Party is fielding an army of conservatives whose primary focus is to eliminate and reform excess taxes. We desire to return our country back to the glory that our original Founding Fathers sought when establishing the United States. We are a God serving group who believe in limited government, encourage personal responsibility, and will insist on electing fiscally conservative representatives.

Though our group's primary objective centers on reforming exorbitant taxation policies, we have also expressed a list of core principles. These principles serve as guideposts for potential local, state, and national representatives seeking to ascertain the will of their constituents. As Northwest Tea Party members we pledge to vigorously support candidates who first support our prime objective and additionally our core principles.

With much excitement received and enthusiasm delivered at the Texas Republican State Convention, I am proud to announce Blake Farenthold will speak at our next meeting. Mr. Farenthold will communicate a clear message on his plan to defeat, socially liberal and lacking fiscal responsibility Congressman Solomon Ortiz.

We will also discuss the July 3rd Tea Party starting at the Nueces County Courthouse leading to the big event in Ingleside, Texas where State Representative Todd Hunter is planned to speak.

We have a lot to plan and much to accomplish in November, I hope to see everyone there and a few new faces to join our cause.

We plan to meet the last Tuesday of every month in the same location.

Make and form strong bonds, network, and establish a plan for action. We are doing what we could not do alone, to preserve that which we value.

Have a blessed day,

Kimberly Curtis

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